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Thread: 4/8 Puma

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default 4/8 Puma

    Oh man... I don't need another razor, but these Puma's just call to me.

    Have a look at this one NOS:

    Vintage PUMA SILBER 222 4/8 Straight cut throat Razor w original box shave ready | eBay

    But at $200... sigh.

    Then there is a used one, but gents, I never do well buying used on the Bay:

    Puma Special 4/8 Shave ready straight razor rasoir rasiermesser coup choux | eBay

    $65. I can afford that, but the spine's looking a bit beat-up. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
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    Puma or car stereo...hmmm...YMMV.
    I think both Pumas look really good.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I think a 4/8 is too small in the tang for my thick fingers. I've had some that shaved well enough but I didn't keep them. A 5/8 or a 6/8 is my preference. The 4/8 is the deal breaker for me no matter the cost.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I think a 4/8 is too small in the tang for my thick fingers. I've had some that shaved well enough but I didn't keep them. A 5/8 or a 6/8 is my preference. The 4/8 is the deal breaker for me no matter the cost.
    Well, Earcutter has really skinny wrists, and probably skinny fingers, too. I still think he wouldn't go too far wrong w/either blade. JMO.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member JackofDiamonds's Avatar
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    The NOS one looks great, but I agree that the price is a bit much. The other, well I would personally pass on that one. It looks ... Odd. Not saying it wouldn't make you happy, but I would just pretend to buy it, hide the money somewhere and save it to put down on the next $200 NOS.

    Never shaved with a 4/8, So I can't really comment on that. Never shaved with a puma either. Anywho, I always turn dollars into material items and compare the two. Like, would I trade this blade for that, or that mountain of cheeseburgers for this razor.

    Today I would not. I am too hungry to trade my cheeseburgers.

  6. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I think a 4/8 is too small in the tang for my thick fingers. I've had some that shaved well enough but I didn't keep them. A 5/8 or a 6/8 is my preference. The 4/8 is the deal breaker for me no matter the cost.
    Hey Jimmy - size isn't an issue. I only shave with 4/8 and lower. It's my thing I guess. I just like em better than the larger blades.

    It's the wear on the spine that has me a bit miffed. It looks like it's been honed weird.

  7. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackofDiamonds View Post
    The NOS one looks great, but I agree that the price is a bit much. The other, well I would personally pass on that one. It looks ... Odd. Not saying it wouldn't make you happy, but I would just pretend to buy it, hide the money somewhere and save it to put down on the next $200 NOS.

    Never shaved with a 4/8, So I can't really comment on that. Never shaved with a puma either. Anywho, I always turn dollars into material items and compare the two. Like, would I trade this blade for that, or that mountain of cheeseburgers for this razor.

    Today I would not. I am too hungry to trade my cheeseburgers.
    Yeah it does to me too...

    Ah to heck with it! Besides, I got to save some cash so that I can have Glen re-scale the 7, 4/8's that have made the cut out of my collection for everyday use. I tried... re-scaling. It's an art gents. Well its and art if you like it done well .

    Thanks for your help.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The NOS one is a beauty. Probably not more than you would pay for the equivalent new TI, Boker or Dovo. The used one does nothing for me.
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you like a 4/8s that's a bargain. if it was a 5/8s or 6/8s you couldn't touch it for twice that price.
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  10. #10
    Padawan Learner dewey81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    If you like a 4/8s that's a bargain. if it was a 5/8s or 6/8s you couldn't touch it for twice that price.
    Not that I'm an expert by any means but from what i've see I would agree. But it is just an opening bid. I would venture to guess it goes up at least another 100 before it's over.

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