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Thread: PayPal my a$$

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    Well as we know PayPal is supposed to be secure with account information well I'm calling bullshit. Today as I was getting breakfast for my family I was told my card was declined and I knew there was money in my account so I called my bank and they told me that a 300 dollar pending payment to Walmart I was like...... Yea I didn't do that come to I'd out a guy from Illinois got my card info on PayPal so thanks PayPal for being secure you lying sacks of crap

  2. #2
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Well its not like Paypal is given away account info to anybody that asks, more then likely you been the victim of identity theft.
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  3. #3
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I'd look further into the issue. PayPal may not be the culprit.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    It's always possible, did you contact PayPal to give you the account info that your card was listed under. A person can have more than 1 Paypal account with the same card #, Thus your card is compromised at another location & a new Paypal account is opened under your name. If so, that purchase confirmation would have been sent to a different email account & you would not notice it until the next Paypal monthly statement on the "main" account of yours. I could always be wrong??

    The most common point of compromise is resturants, yes, even your favorite one that you use all the time & gas stations. They are scanned, the scanner gets a flat fee for each # & the purchaser/loader can be anywhere in the world. Actually, the farther away , the better for the thief. I've seen cards breached & used on the other side of the world in 45 minutes.

    Just my rambling thoughts.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Bad news! Did PayPal send you a confirming email about the 300$ purchase?
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  7. #6
    lz6 is offline
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    Man, very sorry to hear this. I would think your info got stolen somewhere other than paypal. I have been down this road and paypal was the saver of the day before things got too out of control.
    I hope it all works out for you I know this can be a huge stressor until you get it under control.

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  8. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Honestly since I got my PP Debit Card and PP Credit Card I have found them to be the absolute fastest to stop problems,,,

    I have had 3 issues in 5+ years and they were much faster at catching it and handling it then I could ever think about being.. I had a phone call so fast when somebody charged $$$ in London..The charge was stopped the card was cancelled and a new one was in my hands within 2 days...

    I have never, nor will I ever, tie my Bank Account to a card though, back it up with another CC, I no longer even use the Debit Cards I keep them for emergencies only

  9. #8
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I have a bank account tied to my paypal account, but it is a bank account for that sole purpose. It only ever has around $5 in it unless I have bought something, at which time I transfer the money from another account into the paypal linked one.

    I am sorry to hear of this issue Tyler. I would take the advice of everyone else and follow this up using all possible haste with your bank/credit card company/paypal.

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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Closest I came to blowing it with paypal was when I got a phising email pretending to be from them. It was a number of years ago when that stuff first started. I clicked on the link provided and went to a site that looked like the real deal.

    I began to type in the requested info to "update" my account when it occurred to me that I'd be better off Xing out and going to my paypal account directly. Good thing I did that or I would have revealed all of the pertinent info to scammers.

    Good luck Tyler, hope you get it straightened out in your favor.
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  11. #10
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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