Hi All,

After my introduction and some research over the last couple of days I'd like to ask some advice and opinions of the more experienced shavers
First of all, Thanks for the info so far and the warm welcome.

I found a webshop that ships to me so I should be getting my first SR soon
So far I'm looking at either a Dovo Best Quality/Dovo Black Star or a Boker King Cutter
I'm leaning towards the King Cutter since its in stock compared to the Dovo ones and it's getting some good reviews.
And to be honest I like the design of the blade itself also more.
I'm not yet thinking towards a vintage razor cause I just don't know enough about it just yet.

The Boker is a bit more expensive ( arround €40 compared to the Best Quality and about €10 compared to the Black Star )
I know more expensive doesn't mean better by default but it's only a few € so it's not that big a deal..

I don't mind spending a bit more if the Boker is indeed better cause from what I'm reading here this razor should pretty much last me lifetime
And also, I'll be finally rid of the expensive disposable cartridges..

I got a heavy beard so I'm going through my disposable razors in about 1 to 2 a week before they get all clogged and blunt (I even tried things like razorpit and other gadgets, I probably could treat em better but these razors are just so unnecessary complicated that they seem to break just by looking at them )
From what I can gather, besides the SR is would need a strop and brush but I think I can figure those out by myself (hopefully :P)

You guys got any opinions about the 3 razors I'm looking at?
Or am I missing on any other good ones I just missed?

Thanks for the info and feedback!
(any other sources of information (i've been crawling through the wiki already) is also welcome and appreciated!)