So I'm getting farther down this shaving worm hole. Every time I read about a product I haven't tried I start thinking I'm missing something great. The latest item to catch my attention is shave oil. Please help me understand if I need it. I currently use Santa Maria Novella predopo before lathering and after shaving. I'm not experiencing any continual harsh irritation but do occasional feel a some rawness. My razors have been properly honed by reputable experienced people. I've only been using a Str8 for a couple of months so my still developing technique may be a contributor but I'm always willing to consider a new helpful product. Having said that I have a few questions.

Do you use shave oil? Have you found it helped improve your shave? If yes do you use it instead of lather or just as a before lather lubricant? Do you think I would benefit by adding it to my current shaving routine? Am I missing something or just over thinking? Do I need to stop drinking so much coffee? Help me!