So the 3 razors I have are the Dovo Astrale (5/8, half hollow), Col. Conk branded Dovo (6/8, half hollow), and Dovo Silver Steel (5/8, full hollow). They have all been professionally honed. I got the Silver Steel b/c I had the best shave with the Astrale, but the CC was too stiff. I figured this and the full hollow grind would make for a smooth shave.

However, the Silver Steel shaves as if it weren't sharp or my angle is too shallow, but I'm sure it's sharp (Lynn himself by way of vintage blades) and my technique has not changed. I thought it might be the hair length, but I saw some guy shave a full beard on YouTube with only minor nicks. I'm using Proraso as a preshave and Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap. I have experimented with the Bigelow's cream by Proraso as well. My lather seems to be thick enough, but I'm not sure if a poor lather would contribute to that pulling sensation. I know my beard is soft too since it's right out of the shower; my beard isn't even that thick.

The clips I see on YouTube of even first timers seem so much more effortless than my shaves. I know it should be more of a gliding sensation. I want nothing more than to be a proficient straight shaver, but I am considering sticking to my safety razor since I have to use it to clean up my bad straight job anyway. I'm hoping you guys might know where I've gone wrong or suggest some tips to strengthen my resolve!