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Thread: The HHT test

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    < Banned User >
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    Default The HHT test

    I know that this topic has been discussed, please forgive the compulsive scientest in me! I also know that there is no place where one can buy standard hair with which to perform this test in a reproducible and consistent fashion! And I know from what I've read that the test is very operator dependent. Many use a ladies' hair, others use their own and still others talk of boar bristles and the like. Then there is the length, weight, diameter and other variables of the hair as well as the practice of doing the test, how the hair is presented what force is applied etc. I'm trying to come up with an HHT that is less subject to wide variations so please tell me how you perform the test and what type of hair you use. It's no wonder that for some the test is a great indicator of shave readiness and for others a crushing dissapointment.
    Last edited by blaireau; 02-13-2007 at 09:23 PM.

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