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02-09-2007, 11:25 AM #1
I think i know why this is so addictive.....
I've not been doing this long, maybe 1 month at the most, but i am really really addicted to it. This morning I figured out why this is.
Throughout the learning process, i have been blessed with a number of shaves that I would describe as 'revolutionary' in terms of the bad shaving experiences I have had in the past, and today i realised that this feeling is exactly why I feel so addicted.
This stems back from shaving with a DE and the learning process with that, and every time you make a new discovery and feel the difference it makes to your face. Obviously the first few shaves with a DE and then with a straight will not be the best.......but i didn't expect this, and this only helps to iron out problems by having to learn quickly. The switch over to a straight was not very smooth but every few days i have made a small discovery that has made a HUGE difference to closeness and comfort of my shave. These discoveries inspire me everyday to make the effort to find out more!
My findings this morning come from trying two with the grain passes instead of one before going across or against the grain(on my face it isn't easy to do one or the other, just a combination of the two!)
This one small adjustment gave me the best feeling shave ever, and i can't wait to do it again tomorrow(why oh why does hair grow so slowly?)
Well, I hope that anybody else who is in the same position as me can share this feeling of discovery, and if not, that they will soon make a discovery that inspires them. Anybody else fancy sharing what hooked them to doing this?
Now, if I can just get my honing perfect.........