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  1. #1
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    Default The Best Beginners Set?!

    Hi all! I'm a total noob, so if i posted this in the wrong area, I apologize. Anyhoo, I got a shave at the barber shop the other week and i was completely turned on to straight razor shaving, i've been back twice. I'm hooked, and want to do it at home. So, I've done some reading and have been trying to come up with the best beginner set i can find! I think i've narrowed my choices down to 2 that i have found:

    Classic Shaving

    Pros: Badger brush, more aesthetically pleaseing to myself, DVD
    cons: comparative price. not honed. no stone.

    The well shaved gentleman

    Pros: Less expensive comparatively, comes pre-honed (so it says), everything one would need such as honing paddle and styptic pencil, etc
    Cons: Boar hair brush. Not as pretty.

    So, which one should I go for? Or is there a better alternative that I haven't found?

    Thanks for the help, I'm sure you have much better expertise than I!

  2. #2
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Get Tony Miller's kit. echoed loudly Get Tony Miller's kit...Get Tony Miller's kit!
    Can't go wrong. A good starter kit ---use it and learn and add later if needed.


    P.S. Listen to X and Steve --they know more than I ---but I have been happy with Tony Miller's kit.
    Last edited by jaegerhund; 02-09-2007 at 08:19 PM.

  3. #3
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    I may not be qualified to give advice here since I haven't been shaving with straights for very long but I have a little personal experience with the Well Shaved Gentlemen's products.

    I have his hanging strop, 4 sided combo paddle and a razor from him. The razor did indeed come shave-ready. The strops are excellent as well.

    Here is a compromise if you like Classicshavings set better:

    When you purchase the CS set, purchase the honing service (add'l $20 I think) It will go to Mr. Lynn Abrams (SRP founder) for honing.

    I can't comment on the strop from CS as I only have the WSG strop so I'll leave others to offer their opinions.

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Smile Welcome, Nemo52

    Wow that's a tough choice. Here are my thoughts:

    -Yes the badger brush is a decent one, but you might still want an upgrade at some point. I did.
    -I don't like the weight of the scales on that Dovo. They're too heavy and throw the balance off, but it's a real nice blade. Lynn can hone it up for an additional $20 if it doesn't come ready.
    -The DVD is GREAT, but you can buy it seperately for about $20.
    -That's a good strop.

    -Not only do you get a hand crafted strop, but the paddle for pastes too which should help you keep the razor shaving great for several months.
    -That's a good razor and you'll likely want a few more anyhow. Take time to think about what size and shape you prefer before spending more on a blade.
    -Soap, mug and bristle brush (which you likely will want to upgrade soon) are all there for you.

    Much as it's a sin to buck against Lynn, I'd still recommend Ton'y set, mostly for the strops.


  5. #5
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I'd opt for Tony's set too because of the paddle and outstanding quality of his hangers, and get the DVD from Classic or directly from Lynn. The stuff in there that are lower quality are the brush and soap, and even those work ok and don't add much to the cost of the kit.

    I'd go ahead and spring for pastes, probably only three sides at first. 3 micron diamond, 1 micron diamond, and 0.5 diamond or chrome oxide on the third side. I wouldn't bother with the 0.25 micron paste, it makes a very sharp but very fragile edge. Maybe get two sides pasted with one of the 0.5 micron pastes, since that's what you'll mostly use for refreshing your blade.

    Don't worry about hurting Classic's feelings, you can't spend very much time perusing their stuff without feeling the irrestible urge to open the wallet... God I really need a Bergischer Lowe...

  6. #6
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Hey X....How did I get involved in this??? Let me know what the Doctor says.........hahahahahahaha


  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    HA! I saw the last heading above the image on the CS websit which describes your CD and assumed you had a bigger hand in it.


  8. #8
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I do actually sell Lynn's DVD too, just have not put it up on the website yet. Same $20 as everyone else.

    Yep, the soap and brush are very basic but the idea was to keep the cost down. A nicer brush and soap could quickly add $20-35 to the set. The items all sell separately too is you wanted to leave things out and source them elsewhere as you could do with Classic too.

    MParker is right on with the pastes. My new favorite is 3.0, 1.0 diamond and then 0.5 in both diamond and chromium. Be sure not to over do the 0.5 strokes though. Imagine them as one side if using both on the same razor, do half on the diamond first then half on the chromium for the final polish. More preferable is use the diamond for hard blades (Thiers Issard), chromium for average (most Dovos).

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

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