...BUT with all the tips I've read here, I was able to fix it so nicely that it takes a real effort to see where the damage was done. That's good considering all the additional stropping performed as a result.

Not paying attention, overconfident and just generally careless (NOT a good combination when holding a SR) led to me putting a pretty nice slash in my strop. I was amazed how nicely it sliced in there. Like Butter.

I will take the TIP of the Month to heart and not just pay lip service to it when I continue to pass it on; SLOW DOWN.

Thanks to all who have passed on their help in the past re: this awful event. Yesterdays' words of wisdom served well today. This is the second major screw-up on my part. While my true nature normally would have me remain silent on these types of 'events' I post them here so others can learn from my mistakes or, saving that, know that the tools to clean up after their mistakes are all right here!

Oh, and after I don't know 5 or so weeks of SR shaving, I'm still enjoying the heck out of it.
Great forum b/c there is REAL KNOWLEDGE contained within.

All the best