Okay, I have now been using straight razor(s) for a week and that makes me an expert!

Shortly after ordering an Ern no.126 from kratos86 (thanks, kratos, it's a great shaver!) I won the October grand prize -- thanks again, donors! -- and the race was on as to which I would receive first; Italy's a long way away so my straight razor adventures begin with the Dubl Duck.

The same night it arrived, I eagerly took the Dubl Duck for a spin. I shaved my sideburns WTG...cool, no problem. I got this, I thought; so I moved on to the chin and 'stache areas. I was rewarded for my foolhardiness with a couple of nicks. But then I got crazier and figured that my head was smoother than my chin; well, it is but successfully no slicing up my sideburns does not an expert make. My first headshave was... well in the words of another SR officiando, Bugs Bunny, it "looked as do it may have gone tru a machine".

So I rested my face and head a couple of days and moved on to bringing the DD to bear on my mug once more. By then the Ern had arrived but I was determined to master that spike-point. Had a good all-over (face, not head) shave, WTG & ATG everywhere except one nick on the chin.

The next day I broke out the Ern and enjoyed a lovely WTG of my beautimus mug; it was a sweet shaver and no new nicks for me! So today I followed up on the Ern again, WTG/ATG all over (head and face) and enjoyed a lovely DFS. So, like, I got this now. I'm an expert. Bow before me, newbies, and seek my almighty wisdom!

Actually, I'm really picking this up but have a long way to go before I can get that BBS, especially on my noggin. But a pleasant shave is a good shave!