About once a year someone brings up the topic of
cold water lathering and shaving.

For the last two months I have lathered and shaved with cold tap water
and have found it to be just fine.

I am not saying ice water but just common cool tap water.

The brush I used most was an Omega boar bristle
brush (Omega 10098 Professional Boar ....Brush).
I also used a darn fine Dovo badger brush.

I used three hard soaps: MWF, Cella and Speick....

What I learned is cool tap water lets me
lather and shave equal to my hottest tap
water shaves.

So for the most part I will be saving hot water
in the future.... (I do like hot showers in the winter).

The basics still apply.
Wash and clean the face, rinse, lather, shave....
rinse, inspect, touch up as needed. Rinse and
then dry with a clean dry towel.