Hi all,

Looking for a little advice if poss...

My boyfriend has hinted ever so subtly, "a straight razor would be great!", that he'd maybe like a straight razor for Christmas. So I've spent weeks researching straight razors, strops, sets, comparing, contrasting, pricing and now... dreaming about the bloomin things! I like the notion of initial purchase and upkeep costs only instead of burning money on replacement cartridges and of the cleaner, more comfortable shave and I've decided (for today anyway) on the entry price, shave ready Boker King Cutter 5/8 so it won't completely break the bank but is hopefully good, lasting quality gift with a low budget (till he knows he'll stick with it) strop and soap set.

But,..... my only hesitation is that he LOVES his beard and only shaves his neck up to the jaw and occasionally his cheeks and wondered if a SR is suitable/practical for shaving just these areas???
I have read that a SR can be used for what I think is called 'Beard Polishing'? so if I understand right it can be used to keep the beard neat too?

So before I take the plunge I just wondered what the general opinion is on using a SR for shaving around the beard, and
if it'd be a worthwhile (if he sticks at it and gets good) gift instead of an ornament?

Thanks in advance folks