Hello, Yes by the title you can tell I don't know the terms I should be using.

I have used a shavette but just got my first ever shave ready straight and its passing the HHT. Actually seeing that has made me take a step back to ask....

When cutting a straight line on your face fuzz, do you come in with your straight at 90 degrees to your skin and then scoop the blade outwards - eg I do this below my nose if I'm making a pencil mustache with the shavette. I also approximate the same motion for the hairs overgrowing my top lip. With a HHT passing straight am I asking for trouble to do this, especially on soft lip tissue?

At the side of my goatee I can come in from my cheek and chin area but I still drop the shavette straight down at 90 degrees because it trims the depth of hair as it does so, where as coming in from the cheek does not. How is best to undertake this with a scarey sharp blade? There is no soft lip tissue involved in this step.

Being inexperienced I think I should ask before I deep slice myself trying something I shouldn't.