Hello everyone,

I have been reading the forum for a while now and thought it was time I officially joined. My name is Phil and I am currently a junior at Messiah college studying Biochemisty, and pursuing a career as a Dentist. I had a friend that got a straight razor for christmas and was telling me how much better it was than his old method of shaving. I figured I would read up on it a bit and see what i thought. Well I just received my first straight razor in the mail Monday from Larry and Whipped Dog Straights, and I love it. I will not go back. Sure my first two shaves haven't been works of art, but no artist paints a masterpiece his or her first time. However, I do have a specific question that someone may be able to help with. the hair on my neck grows from my chin slanted towards my ear on both sides. Because of this I have been getting some irritation on my neck because I can't go with the grain at those points. Does anyone have any advice on how to manipulate my razor to go with the grain on my neck, or am I doomed to get irritation until I get better at shaving and can handle going across the grain as my first pass in that area?
