Quote Originally Posted by nwashaving View Post
When you strop do you rest the spine and the edge on the strop or do you just keep the spine just off thr strop and just have the cutting edge in contact? I watched a couple videos and cant really tell :/
On the long list of possible mistakes (including mine) in using a SR, poor stropping technique while learning is probably #1. 30 years ago, when I started using a SR the first time, I tried (with no instruction) to strop like my barber...fast and with a somewhat noisy "slapping" sound. I butchered the strop, dulled the blade, and after about 6 months stored both until last summer.

All I can say is than God for the internet, SRP and professional honing/honers (Lynn in particular). I learned the right way, which others have outlined above. Don't worry, you are not alone and your razor will recover!