I'm a few months in to shaving with a straight and I've seen conflicting information on the 'normal' or 'standard' length of time between honings and/or touch-ups on a razor. I haven't seen a long-term maintenance schedule posted anywhere so I thought it would be interesting to get your experiences in one thread. Maybe the Beginners section isn't the right place but I thought it would be good for beginners to get an idea of what to expect. Then if the razor gets dull quicker than the 'average' they can start looking at stropping or shaving technique. For example, I think the following would be helpful:

Razor data (grind, carbon vs stainless, size, etc)
Beard type (Coarse, light, fine, thick, etc)
Stropping data (before/after, number of passes, material of strop)
Number of shaves before touch-up is needed
Type of touch-up (Finishing stone, pasted strop, Coticule, etc)
Number of touch-ups before hitting the hones
Honing process (Lynn's honing pyramid, 10/15/20 on 5k, 8k, 12k, etc)
When to reset bevel, if ever

I realize that the information may be disparate enough that there won't be a 'normal' or 'average' but I think it would still be interesting to see how folks care for their straights. It would also be interesting to find out if the veterans think this is a stupid idea. If so, let me know.