Hello gentlemen!
I'm aware of the introduction thread, but nonetheless, this is my first post and it's only polite to introduce myself :]
My name is Haim. I've been reading the articles and forum threads in this site for about 2 months now, and I finally decided to join this fine community (after cracking the "no-spam" question…). I'm as new as one can get with SR shaving. Yesterday was my first shave, and it was everything I imagined it to be and more… I'll try not to over-share my experience because I'm sure everyone here is experienced with this form of art, but let me tell you – it was amazing! Beyond the fear of holding this extremely sharp blade to my own face, it was somehow both exciting and soothing at the same time… I usually hate shaving – mainly because I get apparent whiskers 9 hours after shaving, but somehow – even though my shave was far from perfect and I can still feel these micro-whiskers on my face, and even though I shaved 13 hours ago, it looks like I just shaved… I'm definitely looking forward to my next shave…

And as expected - I have a few questions from my last-night session:
1. Stropping: I do it very slowly now to keep the edge from curving, but I wonder – while keeping the main pressure on the spine, I sometimes stop hearing the edge running on the strop (the high-pitched "whoosh"). Is that good? Bad? Should there be a sweat-spot for pressure on the edge?
2. Storing the razor: Assuming that the longest time the razor sits without use is 2 days – should I start troubling myself with oils? (Needless to say that I dry it well before putting it away).
3. Honing: I know I shouldn't worry about that for quite a while, but with my starter-technique of stropping and shaving, I believe that I'll need honing sooner than usual. Now, my current razor is a Gold Dollar. Yes, I know it's not perfect. I wish I knew it when I looked for a razor. But now I figure it's not necessarily bad: This razor will be my practice razor and when I'll feel ready enough, I'll get a proper razor without fear of destroying it. So I figure my first honing need will only be with my next razor. But still, mainly out of curiosity, I wonder if any of you know of a hone-meister in Israel…? Alternatively, of a hone-meister anywhere else around the world (preferably in Europe or USA – Faster shipping) who is recommended and willing to receive (and send) razors from (and to) abroad?

That's it for now :]. I'll probably have many more questions as I go forward.
And sorry for the long post….