The basic "beginner's kit" (Dovo Basic Straight Edge, 4-Sided Paddle Strop, Mug, Soap, and Stryptic pencil), from Tony Williams arrived last night.

So this morning I tried at my first straight edge shave.

I had ordered the two shaving videos (Lynn's and John's), but they hadn't arrived yet, and I just couldn't wait. I did check out Lynn's video on u-tube, however so wasn't flying totally blind... but... perhaps I should have waited...

Followed the various postings about "pre-shave prep.

I laid everything (razor, strop, etc... out on a counter under some paper towels...

Also, for safety's sake, I stropped the razor before the shower, folded it up and put it aside for safety.

I don't know whether or not I helped the razor or hurt it stropping...'cause I felt clumsy and scared all the time...but I was careful....

Lot's of hot water...showering first soaking face and head for over 4 minutes in hot shower. I also headshave with a HeadBlade... so I shave my head first.

This gave my face beard even more time under hot water to soften.

I've been using a pre-shave treatment of baby oil, KOS Alpha Oil, and The HeadBlade Headslick shave.

Soaked the brush in hot water, whipped up a nice hot thick lather...

The instructions that came with the kit said to start with the cheeks and then complete the shave with regular Mach 3.

I shave my cheeks and it was really scary and strange.... but it went ok....

Then I got over confident, and tried to shave the area around my mouth and chin....I should have quit while I was ahead...

Faster than you can say "nick", I nicked myself four times...

Luckily they were tiny nicks and the styptic pencil stopped the I continued my shave with my Mach 3...

This is gonna take a lot of time and practice...

And I have to totally take my time and not rush...

As far as the learning curve goes, I should only go as far as I feel confident and comfortable...

Slow and very careful... that straight edge is sharp!

I still need help and guidance with both the shaving and the stropping... I think I did it right, but i really need some hands on training...

Is anyone in the NYC Tri-State area available for a few "lessons"?????

all the best,
