
I'm new to SR shaving. I've been shaving with a shavette for nearly two months with decent results. Keeping things simple: WTG all around and XTG on cheeks. My first straight and strop kit is in the mail from Whipped Dog and I'm excited to make the transition. Like all newbies I'm trying to cover all my bases in terms of what I can, and cannot, expect from shaving with a traditional straight. I routinely come across the topic of shave angles regularly, with the basic consensus that a shavette is generally more forgiving than a straight. That said, I am interested to know more about the differences between a disposable razor-blade's edge vs a hand-honed straight edge? What makes one more "forgiving" than the other (if there is any truth to that)? What can I expect when I make the transition to the traditional straight? Aside from the obvious (mass production/machine-finish vs hand-finished), when it comes down to the edge properties themselves, what sets the two apart?

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