Hi all, i'm new here and new to straight razor shaving. I live in Cebu, Philippines but was able to get a hold of a Thiers Issard Carbon Steel razor from Art of Shaving on a trip to the US a couple of years ago but have not used it since then.
The sales person said it was shave ready but when I stropped it and tried to shave it was incredibly uncomfortable and painful that I couldn't finish.
So I researched and came to the conclusion that I need to get it professionally honed and there aren't any places here in the Philippines that do this.
I went to a barber shop where they do straight edge razor shaves and they tried stropping it and had a stone they used but to no difference and didn't know anyone who does any honing. I even had a shave from one of those guys and it was an awful experience too which left my face red and in pain and they said that it could be that I am not suited to a straight-edge razor due to the thickness/courseness of my beard. Surely this can't be true as everything I have heard is that the straight edge shave should be the closest and best possible shave.

So now it's 2 years later and I want to try again. I have a brother over at the moment from Australia and was thinking of asking him to take it back with him to get it professionally honed and then mail it back to me. I guess I will then need to buy the equipment to keep it honed.

Is there such a thing as too thick/course beard for a straight razor?
Can anyone recommend where to get it professional honed in Philippines or Brisbane, Australia
Should I look at getting the equipment and doing it myself? And if so, which?

Sorry for the long first post.