Hello, my name is Scott and I am brand new to the world of straight razor shaving. I have purchased a starter kit for wet shaving which includes a strop, only leather side no linen side. It also includes a straight razor, brush, soap and scuttle. I have been doing a lot of research and purchased a Styptic pencil as well in preparation for a cut which I will no doubt receive unless I am extremely lucky. I have also purchased a Belgian coticule. 8/4k Yellow and Blue combo for honing when the blade I purchased which I'm guessing isn't the greatest quality gets dull. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I have not received my items yet since I have only just ordered them online. I am very excited and from watching countless videos and doing a lot of research I think I have the basic idea about stropping the razor and the basic downstroke. I was just wondering for starters should I hone the razor prior to shaving with it? Maybe just a few basic x stokes with the 8k yellow coticule? It says it comes "shave ready" but I'm sure they haven't put a bunch of time into perfecting the bevel making it a beautiful cutting tool. Is the linen side of the strop absolutely necessary? I've heard some say yes and others say no? How long should a razor stay sharp for if I strop pre and post shave? Where can I get a quality razor that won't cost me an arm and a leg? If I need further advice how should I go about obtaining it? Sorry guys for the multitude of questions but I'm only a mere 20 years old therefor not having the opportunity like my father to watch his father shave with a Gillette safety razor and watch his grandfather shave with a straight razor. Also my father doesn't support my decision to Straight razor shave... oh well. Thanks
