Hi all,

Very new to straight razor shaving here!

I bought this Dovo kit from Amazon a couple of weeks ago. The components are really nice and seem to be high quality. The razor is a Col. Ichabod Conk (Dovo Solinger - made in Germany), so I should assume it's high quality too. I have seen people comment about the differences from a "real" Dovo and it seems there is little or none.

My doubt, however, is just that the razor does not seem to be as sharp as a Parker shavette I bought a month ago (seems to be going well with Shark blades). I managed to strop the Dovo razor quite well and could get a nice shave out of it (No nicks on the first shave ) but I could tell the parker was a tad smoother as I had to put on a little bit more of pressure with the Dovo. I did the arm hair test only to confirm this. So, do you think this brand new razor needs honning? If so, where could I find good quality stones for a reasonable price?

Very much appreciated.
