Oh boy, I'm sure you get a lot of these kinds of threads. Go easy on me. It's painfully frustrating to delve into the astonishingly large amount of research required to find the right blade(s) when you're on a 12 year old laptop!

So here's the thing...I'm cheap, and I'm poor. I dry shave or use nothing more than water with the cheapest disposeables I can find, and I use each disposeable well past their period of usefulness. So when I looked a little deeper into straights, I figured perhaps I might be able to find something worthy of an investment, and hopefully something I might be able to obtain via eBay, since I haven't exactly seen much around my area. That's where I'm hoping you guys come in.

Ironically, I'm asking the exact same question that one of the guides on this site specifically mentioned I shouldnt ask...