Hello Gents,

I have been doing a lot of reading on here, research on the net, and watching a lot of youtube videos to the extent that my wife is already sick of hearing me talk about shaving. Little does she know it is only getting started I have two or three vintage razors in mind. They are: Vintage 11/16 'Kukri' No. 190 Straight Razor,5/8 Wester Bros 'Manganese Steel' Straight Razor, and a 9/16+ Peaso No. 25 Straight Razor. All of these are ready to shave and have been restored.

I have read that to start out a good size is a 5/8 with a rounded tip, yet all of these fall close to this. Any thoughts on these razors. Who knows maybe I will get them all. Sooner or later I need to have a stable of razors that I can switch things up with right