Hi All

Didn't know where to put this at all, so decided on here as it is a noobie question...

After lapping my stones for a second time last night, thanks to the genius idea of putting a grid onto the stone with a pencil to make sure its flat, I sharpened up my practice blade and got it popping arm hairs with no trouble. Its a really thin blade - 4/8s - and I am used to bigger.

I did one pass only because the shave was pretty terible - scratchy and it bumped around my face everywhere. I guess my honing aint there yet. I know it takes lots of time to get there though, so I am patient over it. At least I shaved with a self honed blade - which is another nice milestone.

Anyway - I digress - the shave felt rough this morning. Is was uneven and felt spiky. Now (just after lunch) it actually feels really nice - smooth, even, almost soft, and actually much the same as after my decent pro-honed razor after two passes at this time of day. How can that be???
