Hi Again,

With much advice and help from the members on this forum, I've managed to get a really good ATG shave. I really had to map my hair growth as it's somewhat unusual, and I've also found that a pre-ATG stropping helps greatly.

I have found, though, that my beard grows really fast. I shave at night so that I am not in a hurry. I'm not much of a morning person. If I only shave WTG and ATG, I get a CCS and it lasts me until about 10-11am. By early afternoon, I have a noticeable shadow. I'm an IT guy, so I can get away with it on days I don't have meetings or presentations. However, if I do an additional ATG pass, I have a "beginner BBS" shave that looks good until nearly the end of the next day.

I've read some members have great luck doing only WTG and XTG and achieve great shaves lasting two days. Is it just my beard or am I missing something? Do some straight shavers need to do an ATG pass to stay presentable?
