
Finding this forum has been great. Once I run out of or low on blades for my Mach 3, I'm going to take the plunge and get a straight razor and the things needed to keep it working right.

Now, I really want to use an antique razor if possible. Goes with my liking for older cars and bikes, and writing with a fountain pen whenever possible.

I can't claim to be an expert on this, but have picked out a couple of likely-sounding brands. They are as follows:
Geneva Cutlery
Wade & Butcher
or anything made in Sheffield.

Whatever I buy will probably be supplemented with one of the started kits adverted on the well shaved gentleman site.

The Genevas and Gencos seem like good quality, US-made products, while the W&B are from an old English manufacturer. They made razors for many years, and it could be possible to buy one that's 200 years old, I think.

Are most antique razors carbon steel?

Also, is this even a good idea?

Any advice and suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,