Is over stropping possible?

Practice makes perfect they say.

I practice a lot. I think I'm getting the stropping technique down finally (almost a year now). I can do several stroppings in a day & evening of over 100 strokes or more mostly with paddle (freedom of movement). I practice with a couple different razors on couple different paddles and strops.

I would think that the quality of the shave would tell the tell which seems to be Ok so far. A little degradation in shave quality but not so much I won't try it again. Seems one or two got better after not being properly stropped while on the learning curve. I do have a ways to go with my shaving technique though. The chin and nose are still a major chore.

I am coming up on one year for my first razor to be properly honed for a second time. I'm looking forward to see if there is a big difference. It will gage how I'm doing.

So if one is stropping properly, no paste/spray just leather, can one over strop and or damage their razor? .