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Thread: Crabtree Evelyn and OUCH!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member stove's Avatar
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    Default Crabtree Evelyn and OUCH!

    Purchased a bowl of Crabtree and Evenlyn Moroccan Myrrh and tried it out with this mornings shave. All I can say is ouch!
    After several failed attempts, I was able to produce what I thought was a decent lather. Wrong, it got bubbly and thinned out quickly, making a little sizzling noise. Seemed like it was sucking the moisture out of my face. Ended up with the worst razor rash ever, after the first pass on my cheeks. I washed off the remaining soap and finished my shave with a travel standby (Arco). Applied Nivea after shave balm, which usually has a soothing effect. No today, it had a slight burn.
    Both checks were red and the rash spread to areas that I shaved using only the Arco.
    An hour later, before heading out the door and after the redness had left my checks, I tried a splash of Pinaud Clubman. OMG it burned like fire. Glad no one saw my little "damn that burns" dance about the hotel room.
    I know this is speculation but: Did I just screw up that bad with lathering this stuff? If so any tips? Or, have I found something, I'm allergic to, and any guesses what? I've used the cheapest can stuff for years and several different products (VDH, Arco, Proraso, CO Bigalow, BBB ...etc) since starting to wet shave. Nothing like this has ever happened.
    I suspect, I didn't have the right mix of water/soap and it just dried the hell out of my skin.
    Lastly, anyone else had a similar experience?
    Last edited by stove; 12-10-2014 at 09:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rlmnshvstr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stove View Post
    Purchased a bowl of Crabtree and Evenlyn Moroccan Myrrh and tried it out with this mornings shave. All I can say is ouch!
    After several failed attempts, I was able to produce what I thought was a decent lather. Wrong, it got bubbly and thinned out quickly, making a little sizzling noise. Seemed like it was sucking the moisture out of my face. Ended up with the worst razor rash ever, after the first pass on my cheeks. I washed off the remaining soap and finished my shave with a travel standby (Arco). Applied Nivea after shave balm, which usually has a soothing effect. No today, it had a slight burn.
    Both checks were red and the rash spread to areas that I shaved using only the Arco.
    An hour later, before heading out the door and after the redness had left my checks, I tried a splash of Pinaud Clubman. OMG it burned like fire. Glad no one saw my little "damn that burns" dance about the hotel room.
    I know this is speculation but: Did I just screw up that bad with lathering this stuff? If so any tips? Or, have I found something, I'm allergic to, and any guesses what? I've used the cheapest can stuff for years and several different products (VDH, Arco, Proraso, CO Bigalow, BBB ...etc) since starting to wet shave. Nothing like this has ever happened.
    I suspect, I didn't have the right mix of water/soap and it just dried the hell out of my skin.
    Lastly, anyone else had a similar experience?
    you tried the soap. The same for the Moroccan Myrrh Shave Cream. It dries too quickly and if you splash any water there is no slide whatsoever, and it smells somewhat close to hot chili peppers. I might when I feel like I am using much higher quality items I might add it to my uberlather just to add a dimension to my woody scents. other than that the only thing good I got out of it was the tube key that came with the shaving cream. I look back and wish I didn't spend the $30 for it.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Do a web search and iirc you will find the current C&E are said not to lather well.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member stove's Avatar
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    Dang, thats unfortunate. I actually like the scent. But I do not want to repeat this mornings shave. The Pinaud sensation was somewhere between CS gas on moist skin and a direct blast of pepper spray.
    Luckily, there was a nice cool breeze this morning and the pain went away quickly.
    Guess I spent $25 for a teak bowl and a strong smelling hand soap.

  5. #5
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    I too had considerable burning after trying Moroccan Myrrh. I tossed it immediately, it was supposed to be my Christmas soap but I found it to be too unpleasant.
    On a side note, the only other product that I have ever used that caused burning was Mama Bears Frankincense & Myrrh, I now suspect it was the myrrh and not the Mama Bears soap.
    It is the only Mama Bears I've tried and I blamed the burning on the soap. Now I want to try a different scent and may have to change my opinion of her soaps.

  6. #6
    Member BearRae50's Avatar
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    This type of skin reaction is the textbook for myrrh allergy. You may also notice you have allergic reaction to other tree material such as cinnamon.
    criswilson10 likes this.
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  7. #7
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    C&E soap is on my list of soaps I will never buy again. The stuff was terrible.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member stove's Avatar
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    Rolodave, have to agree. But, have to give them credit. Full refund on used shave soap. Where else can you return used Soap? Thats pretty awesome. I wish they sold just the bowl.
    BobH likes this.

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