Hey all!

I have been straight shaving for a while now, a year plus, and I finally decided to pull the trigger and get a nice new razor. I looked on the forums and finally decided on a RA 7/8 razor but when I went to order one on straight razor designs they didn't have one with the Spanish point in horn so I had to order to from the RA site and ship it from Germany. So I have a whipped dog 6/8 and 5/8 razor as well and I wonder how you guys rotate your razors. I don't use the 5/8 that Often, just when I send my 6/8 out to get Honed because I don't care for the 5/8 at all! It's just not the correct size razor for me. Since learning to hone is naturally the next step I'll probably keep it around to learn to hone on so now this leaves my 7/8 and 6/8 to use. What's the best way to rotate your razors, week to week, day to day? How long does a razor stay sharp once sharpened? Can I use one till dull and then use the other? Thanks in advance for all your guys help and advise.
