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Thread: Is it crazy to use a 8K stone to hone a Razor?

  1. #1
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    Default Is it crazy to use a 8K stone to hone a Razor?

    Correction: hone should be sharpening)

    I read that if you use a coarse stone that it will leave deeper marks in the face of the open razor blade. And that these deeper marks could cause the razor to chip easier. (if this is true I am not sure yet)

    But, if that is true. Is it a bit crazy too only use a 8K stone for sharpening?

  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    How much time are you interested in spending?

    And where did you read that?

  3. #3
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    I just read about the deep marks and made a personal conclusion that it could be good to use a 8K only.
    No idea, how long it could take if I use a 8K only. So using a 8K is not realistic?


  4. #4
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    Using an 8k only is not realistic. I would recommend doing a search on honing stone progressions for some ideas.

  5. #5
    JP5 is offline
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    I would recommend doing some reading in the library section of the forum on honing.
    Quality hones are pretty expensive. Unless you just really want to learn how to hone razors, I would suggest sending them to a professional. Then you can maintain the edge with a strop until it needs additional honing.

    You don't stop with the coarse stones, so the 'scratches' doesn't matter. You work your way up from coarse to fine, removing the 'scratches' of the previous grit each time you progress. If you started out with a 8,000 grit stone on a razor that needs bevel work, it is going to take a LONG time.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    I would recommend doing some reading in the library section of the forum on honing.
    Quality hones are pretty expensive. Unless you just really want to learn how to hone razors, I would suggest sending them to a professional. Then you can maintain the edge with a strop until it needs additional honing.

    You don't stop with the coarse stones, so the 'scratches' doesn't matter. You work your way up from coarse to fine, removing the 'scratches' of the previous grit each time you progress. If you started out with a 8,000 grit stone on a razor that needs bevel work, it is going to take a LONG time.
    It will also use a lot of relatively expensive stone in comparison to less cheaper lower grit stone.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    No need to re-event the wheel , go to the library and read up , but as your new , you should just send it out , you will need to know what a pro honed razor feels like and by the time you buy the hones, you can have your razor honed by a pro for a few years, Tc
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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    So, I think you are mis-reading what Alison is saying in that article.

    He is talking about Over Honing, and if it is, by itself an issue or are there other issues, like failing to remove deep low grit stria. Both of which are possible, the later more probable.

    First understand that there is a lot of difference in honing a knife and a razor, the most important is comfort, a smooth edge is as important as keenness for straight razors. Comfort is a non-issue in knife sharpening.

    You can maintain a razor on an 8k edge easily and many have with girt equivalent or less hones, for hundreds of years, Coticules, Slates, Arks & Barber Hones. But…

    A lot will depend on the razor and what needs to be done to hone it and the skill level of the honer.

    Yes, low grit hones with excessive pressure can lead to chipping, if the deep stria is not removed in a honing progression. While most issues can be handled with just an 8k stone, with time and skill, the same cannot be said of a 1k, no matter how much time and what your skill level is. One could shave off a 1k edge but it will never be comfortable or at least as comfortable as an 8k edge.

    So, if your real question is, a one stone honing solution, the answer is “Your Milage Will Vary” and a progression is always a better solution hence, the bare bones, 4/8k Norton’s reputation.

    If you want to hone razors begin you education in the Library Section/ Maintaining Razors and the Honing Forum and at least the first 3 threads there. If you want to sharpen knives the Jende blog is a good start, even the Wicked Edge uses a multi stone progression.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Start by reading through this section and I think you will have a much better understanding of the process
    Category:Honing - Straight Razor Place Library
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  11. #10
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    Thanks for the replies. It has been very helpful. Looks like I am going for 4K / 8K stones. Since I know I am a beginner with honing a straight razor. I bought a 2nd hand blade cheap and going to try it out on that.

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