I think this is my 3rd post here. The 1st since actually having a real razor in my hand the last hour. Since my first post 2 cheaps from China and eBay have arrived and since I didn't realize they were not shave ready or apparently good for maybe scraping paint I've only practiced with them. Today I received from a kind member here, Utopian, I would have to suspect extras of his to try out and see what a real razor is like. I'll get to the "older looser face in a moment." In the first 5 minutes I was awarded a real bleeder, deep .... in my index finger! haha! I flipped the razor too fast and it caught my index. It took about an hour to get that under control. So I got back on the horse, pressing tissue paper and razor firmly to stop the bleeding while I shaved. I've gotten to some hard places and only a couple small nicks.

But as I'm going about this I wonder if this might something more for those who have tight faces yet. I'm in my 60's and I have loose skin that rolls along in most places rather than pushes back. I got to thinking about the older men I remember growing up. Seems the faces were more grizzled and unshaven as they got older. Does having the wrinkles and loose skin make for more of an effort or for results not so good as could be.

It's a hard thing sometimes to admit the ravages of age. But I wonder if older loose faces ought to stick to safety razors? What's your thoughts. Think of my face like ahhh .... an English Bulldog.