So I know that this is most probably a YMMV situation But I am looking for how your mileage was.
firstly, my stropping skills are progressing nicely, only one tiny tiny little nick on the edge near my hand, and my edge is still ngie and smooth shaving. But While I am getting even more confident with my little 2" starter strop. I want to start looking into a nicer strop. I will probably go with a 3", but what the heck is the difference in all the different leathers? Latigo, Bridle, Natural, Kangaroo. What is the functional difference between them all and What do you prefer?
Also, having only ever used one strop I have no reference for the difference in the draw I keep reading about. what is draw,and what is the difference between the light, Medium, and heavy draw? Here comes the tricky part... is one leather better than another or is it just a preference thing? if so can I get some pros and cons?
Thanks in advance guys!