
So for about the past week and a half I have been researching and looking into buying a straight razor. I've googled about every starter kit and set, have read through threads on reddit, but I wasn't really getting anywhere so I decided to get professional help. Ideally i would like to get a set with all the essentials for around $70 and add from there as i get more and more addicted. I thought about starting off with maybe a Dovo Shavette or something of that sort, but read that they are not as forgiving as traditional straight razors. through research I keep coming across this Gold Dollar straight razor and looked it up and found one review that said it wasn't bad for beginners. I have seen plenty of sets with that same razor and different strops, brushes, bowls, and soaps that come with it. But I guess at the end I'm asking the age old question, what should I buy as a beginner, and yes i have looked through the beginners guide but still need help.

Thank you for your time and any help!