Hello, longtime lurker first time poster. Glad to be here.

I've been wetshaving w/a DE for the past 6 months or so, and I'm wanting to get into str8s. But I'm looking for BBS and to try something new, not necessarily pickup a whole new hobby and all the gear for it. That being the case, I figured the best route would be to get a disposable str8.

I've been reading and doing some searching and I've found 3 different types/brands so far. The shavette (1/2 a DE blade basically), the Monsieur Charles, and the Feather AC's. Are there any more that I should know about that I should consider? I've also found "Hess" disposable and "Magic blade" disposables, whatever they are.

I don't want to spend an exorbinant amount of $, and I really don't know whether I'd like a nonfolding or folding str8. And while the non folding Feather AC looks like a butter knife (IMO) I've heard that it's actually easier to shave with compared to a folding str8.

So....any suggestions and or recommendations about a disposable would be appreciated. I know that only wanting a disposable str8 is probably sacrilage to true str8 shavers, but I seriously don't have the time or $ to keep up w/all the time and stuff required to keep up a real str8 like it should be.

I'm leaning towards the MC at this point. Don't really see the point of a shavette (might as well stick w/a DE) and the Feathers are too much $ for me (at least the ones I want) and too scary sharp. But I can pick up an MC for under $30 and I have tons of injector blades. But if there's something out there that's better I'd like to know about it.

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
