Well it had to happen eventually. I've been shaving with a Str8 for about 5 weeks and am getting fairly cocky about it. I can now get an ok everyday shave with one pass and some touchups around the jawline and chin on a second pass. So yesterday I was in a hurry and promptly sliced off a bump on my left cheek, put a 1 inch slice in my right jaw/cheek and generally pissed my self off.

I touched it all up with cold water and a styptic pencil and proceeded to hurriedly clean my str8. As I wiped it down with a bit of toilet paper, the heel of the blade sliced the pad of my middle finger nearly to the bone I uttered several self deprecating remarks and went looking for antiseptic and bandages.

Ten Lessons about shaving with a Str8 I learned this week:

(10) Shave ready razors are sharp from end to end;
(9) Cut fingers can generate a lot of blood;
(8) Don't rush shaving with a Str8;
(7) Concentrate at all times when handling sharp tools;
(6) Its hard to type accurately and quickly with a bandage on your hand;
(5) No one has sympathy for a guy who cuts himself with a Str8;
(4) It's really hard to put on a shirt single handed;
(3) Even if you keep the blood from your hand off the shirt, don't forget the slice on your cheek;
(2) You get asked a lot of really stupid questions (Example: "Cut Yourself Shaving?") with an inch long scab on your face and blood on your collar; and

(1) The wounds heal, the scars fade, and I'm getting up early and shaving with a Str8 tomorrow morning.

Cheers, Mike Layne