you know when you get that moment of doubt, you know i,m never gonna get the hang of this!,well wednesday was that moment i had just shaved my face was red and hot and still had bristle,my top lip looked like it had been carpet bombed and i was thinking is this really for me,so thursday morning no shave thought i,d let everything calm down most of all my face!!.
but last night i spent from 10pm until 2am reading pretty much every thread on this forum i gleaned every drop of info i could i watched xls honing video 4 times to get my stropping tech right by the time i went to bed i was itching to shave.
friday morning- send the wife out shopping i need peace, then hot shower proraso pre shave-hot towel-lather-hot towel -wash off-lather-strop razor 30 passes linen 60 passes leather i broke out the vintage red injun for this one,right lets shave...feather touch think stroke with a feather, first pass right hand side of my face, looking good swap hands for left hand side think feather think feather,still looking good, rinse of have a look wow both sides clean shaven a bit of touching up required by sideburns but hey! relathered done chin touched up with m3.job done. so the moral of my story is dont give up there is much to learn but use the forum learn from the other members experiences and it will come..thanks guys