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Thread: dovo vs thiers issard

  1. #1
    Junior Member Xilbus's Avatar
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    Default dovo vs thiers issard

    Good Monday everyone, hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

    Im a newb i admit it but i try to research as much as possible before jumping into something. For my 1st blade i went with Dovo but i could of went with a Thiers Issard blade.

    What is the general consensus on Thiers vs Dovo? from what i read German blades are probably the best but most of Thiers blades are over 300$ compared to Dovo's avr of 200$ for a blade.

    So is Thiers a better quality blade then Dovo?

    For my 2nd blade i was thinking of a Bismark or a Astral or jumping to Thiers with a Le Canadien
    But Phil at Classicedge told me that he didnt really like Thiers Issard so i stuck with Dovo for my 1st blade.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Both Dovo and T-I make great razors. I don't think you can go wrong with either. I own 2 Dovo razors and one T-I. Get one and see what you think.
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  3. #3
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    For me TI are more flashy(mirror polish fancy scales almost on all models spine work ) than Dovos, they also use their own steel formulation, and also historic blanks.
    I am not sure the two brands are that much different as far as shave quality goes.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think TI makes a better blade but I don't think that translates to better shave. Both are quality razors so it's a matter of degree really. At one time Dovo had better QC but they both have their issues in that Dept. You won't go wrong with either.
    Badgister and Euclid440 like this.
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  5. #5
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I think TI makes a better blade but I don't think that translates to better shave. Both are quality razors so it's a matter of degree really. At one time Dovo had better QC but they both have their issues in that Dept. You won't go wrong with either.

    Hijack not intended!

    Is the context of comparing newer Dovos and TIs. How do they compare in honing?

    About the same, TI is harder steel and takes longer, TI is only Stainless and Dovo makes some carbon? (i don't know, that's why I ask)

    BS, can you or some of the many Honemeisters here on SRP share your experience?
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

  6. #6
    Junior Member Xilbus's Avatar
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    Thank everyone for your feedback. I guess Thiers has more of a look appeal and thats why they charge more.

  7. #7
    Member jay88's Avatar
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    yeah the Thiers does have a bit of flash but i have both and i really do prefer me Thiers to my Dovo it just seems to shave much better The French do know how to make their razors
    macinnisl and Xilbus like this.

  8. #8
    Get ready to feel the steel! macinnisl's Avatar
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    I think you hit the nail on the head. I have a Thiers Issard "le Canadien" and a Dovo Bismark and a Dovo faux tortoise... All are excellent razors. The Thiers Issard is beautiful and I paid more for it cause it's a Canadien... and I am from Canada, that's the reason I have it. Otherwise I like my Dovo's they are as good but cheaper (cause they are less flashy). Personnally if you want a Canadien get it, beautiful razor and you won't regret it, especially the historical with the barbers notch on snakewood, if you want a amazing shaver get the "Bismark" it's a beautiful blade as well but about 100$ cheaper! So for me I bought the one TI blade and that'll be it... If I ever buy new again it will be a DOVO but I think next I will be getting into vintage blades.

    PS - Very sorry I bought Phil's last Bismark with the red scales, they don't make it anymore apparently... I'm sure the new one's with horn or whatever too will be amazing.

    Disclaimer - I am still fairly new to this! Just my opinions on what I have read and my limited knowledge so far.

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  10. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KindestCutOfAll View Post

    Hijack not intended!

    Is the context of comparing newer Dovos and TIs. How do they compare in honing?

    About the same, TI is harder steel and takes longer, TI is only Stainless and Dovo makes some carbon? (i don't know, that's why I ask)

    BS, can you or some of the many Honemeisters here on SRP share your experience?
    It depends on the razor. Most TIs hone up about the same as most Dovos comparing the carbons of course. There are some TIs like the Damascus and original Silverwings that are a real bear to hone but they are exceptions. I certainly wouldn't buy a Dovo over a TI based on honing ease. The stainless Dovos can take a tad more to dial in but the difference still isn't really noteworthy to me.

    I would just buy whatever appealed to me the most if I was doing the buying.
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  11. #10
    Junior Member Xilbus's Avatar
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    Thank you all again, im stuck between the Canadian Thiers Issard and the dovo biz. Now my problem is Phil sharpens his dovos and the competition website that has the thiers doesnt hone them. But i now understand from you all that both have a very good long lasting blade and it comes down to my personal choice.

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