Hi guys,
I have a couple of questions so best to start from the top.
I have been shaving with a shavette for about a year and a half. I recently received a brand new good quality straight razor as a gift. It is from a reputable manufacturer and supplied from a reputable website, so i don't expect the problems lie there. I tried to shave with it and immediately could tell it wasn't shave ready which I'm informed is often the case with razors straight from the factory, so I sent it off to a honing service. It just came back and after shaving with it I can feel that it is a lot sharper for sure but it still drags and tugs my hair quite a bit. I experimented a little with razor angle and skin taughtness etc. I then compared with the shavette, the Wilkinson blades I've been using in my shavette glide through the hair, and frankly I should have thrown that blade out about 4 shaves ago, nevertheless it was still much smoother than the SR.
Now having finished shaving, I can feel that the areas done with the SR are much less closely shaved than those done with the shavette.

When I received it back from the honer, I have to say, it didn't look very different. I realise that without a magnified inspection it probably wouldn't look too different, however, there didn't even seem to be any marks on the side of the spine that I would have thought would occur when the blade was on the stone.

Long story short: just honed straight razor not as finely sharp as I expected, still tugs quite a bit.

Is it that my technique is inadequate with a SR as I've learned on a shavette so far?
Is it that the blade isn't as sharp as it should be? (I always expected a properly honed SR to cut through hairs like a hot knife through butter)
Should I speak to the honer/complain?
Is it that machined disposable blades are just sharper than SR's? (that seems improbable)

Sorry for the long post, just a bit bummed that I still can't use my new razor.