I shaved for a couple of decades with a straight razor at weekends, gave up and I am coming back to it now, fifteen years on.

In the meantime I have had some skin problems generally. It seems to run in my family, that psoriasis gets worse through our life-times. To put this into perspective, I can use a product for a year, and then suddenly - boom - without any warning I can never use it again with out bad irritation. This came to a head 18 months ago. I think I have solved it generally using DEs and Feather AC style shavettes. With good prep, the right products, a light touch, and a very sharp blade I can shave without discomfort and no issues.

I have bought a couple of carbon and stainless straight razors - Dovo and Thiers Issard. But shaving is not the same as it was 15 years ago. This time around I am struggling. My beard seems tougher and my skin much more sensitive.

Keeping all other prep and conditions identical, when I shave with a carbon steel straight razor, even for only one pass, my face reacts like it is on fire, turns bright and burns, burns, burns. I don't get this with the stainless SR blades, although I am having other challenges with these, getting them sharp enough.

I considered that it might be mineral oil on the blade, but I have been meticulous with both the carbon and stainless blades to oil them both in the same way, which means the only variable is the blade metal as far as I can see.

I have researched metal reactions on medical websites - there are health and safety considerations for carbon steel - it can cause a reaction but it seems that it is much more likely for skin to react to the chromium in stainless steel from what I've read.

Has anyone else experienced similar? Any advice?