Ok, so maybe its wasn't my first straight razor shave, but it was my first straight razor shave in probably 4 years. I tried to learn how to save with a straight about 4 years ago and gave up. Well, I am now determined to figure this out!

I purchased all of my current supplies from straight razor designs. This morning shave consisted of: dovo best quality half hollow sr, SRD 3" black latigo strop of with the premium fabric on the opposite side, and tabac soap and aftershave lotion.

I started my morning off by taking a hot shower and then built my lather and started shaving. I did not strop my razor before my shave as it came shave ready from SRD. The shave was successful in that I didn't cut myself. However, it wasn't exactly a great shave. No irritation, but I failed to remove the hair consistently. Especially around my jaw. I realize that it is a game of angles and it will take me attempts before my shaves improve. I just touched everything up with my DE afterwards.

After leaving my razor out to dry for about 15 minutes on a towel I stropped it. I did 10 on the fabric and 40 on the leather. Tomorrow before I attempt my second shave I will do 20 on fabric and 60 on leather. Before I put my razor up I applied a light coat of straight razor oil from SRD onto the blade and put the razor back in its sleeve.

I am excited to learn how to shave with a straight razor even though I realize it is going to be a long time before I am able to produce a shave that is acceptable to show up to work with.

Thank you to everyone on this forum that has provided such great information in other threads. You all are the reason I have decided to jump back into this determined to shave with a straight razor!