Yet another experiential story for the forum. I recieved my package from Tony Miller, Razor, Soap, Brush, Strop a few days back. It then travelled back to the US with me. I tried my first shave on monday.
I did nothing special in way of preparation, except that I shaved after a shower. Lathered up, waited for a few seconds, put blade to face and that was that. Smooth strokes WTG on both the the sides of the face. Then downward strokes on the neck portion, followed by the chin. Lathered up again and this time around it was across the grain. The moustache presented no problems either. No burn, no major cuts (two spots of blood on the chin area) and a good, clean and highly satisfying shave. I did have to strop between the shave. Not sure if this is required, but i think my hard facial hair might have something to do with this.
I repeated the shave twice after that, tuesday and wednesday. No cuts or bruises. I think i am enjoying this enormously.
Thanks gents for the forum, for all the experience you guys have bought together in one area and the willingness to help out with responses to even the oddest of queries.
I am looking forward to bying up a few more razors during my visit to the US, and the process has already been set in motion.