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Thread: Thank you and first shave.
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08-07-2007, 05:42 PM #1
Thank you and first shave.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone on this board that has help in my new venture into staight razor shaving. With out this support group I may not have taken the plunge, or I may have taken the wroung path alongthe way.
Thank you.
First shave...
The razor I bought was from vintageblades "Razor of the Month" , a Dovo 5/8 Classic Honed by Lynn Abram. The strop Illinois Russian. Van Der Hagen soap and boar brush. Lynn's DVD, which is awesome and I am glad it is in my collection.
After watching the DVD, I went for a shave. Hot towel prep and some good lather. I went a head and stropped the blade, and set in to make the first cut. I noticed a little pulling on the first stroke. I changed my angle and it got better. The sides went very easy. The neck I had problems with. The blade seems to be pulling more, so I changed angle. It didn't seem that it helped any. I went ahead and stopped cleaned and dried the blade, and re-stropped. Started the shave again and it felt much better. The upper lip was difficult. I thought to myself "This is when you loose something". To my surprise it went very well and I still have an upper lip. I have a large chin and I had a little problem getting around the tip, but once I figure out good hand placement, and a better stroke I don't think I will have a problem with the chin. After a good rinse and hot towel I dabbed on a little Old Spice. I work in a very hot humid environment and I noticea slight burning when in the heat. I may have to look for a good balm to use.
Only one major nic. Right on the tip of my chin. "You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs".
Over all I don't think I will ever go back to a safety razor. I need to work on my stropping skill. I hope I don't damage or dull my razor from stropping. I think I may get a couple of cheaper razors and try my hand at honing. I think I may go a little insane now wanting every soap, aftershave, and balm that is out there. I am going to save my money and look into a good badger brush and a good vintage blade. Untill then I am very happy with my Dovo, and boar brush.
I can't wait untill my next shave.
Thank you everone.
"Don't Panic"