I've been shaving with my Wapienica str8's for the past month and am absolutely loving it. Prior to moving to str8's, I had been using DE's for over 1yr... now they just sit in my drawer like discarded and forgotten relics. I actually feel bad about it at times... like I'm having an affair or something... but I just can't help myself. I just can't make myself use a DE anymore... the allure of the srt8 is too much. I am, after all, only human.

After receiving 3 new Wapi's, I attempted to hone one myself with little success due to a slightly warped blade. I have since, got it to pass the HHT by using the rolling-x stroke on my Norton 4k/8k hone (an excellent stroke that I think all can benefit from). My second Wapi has also been honed by myself, but is slightly less keen, so I will need to do a bit more work on it. My third Wapi sits untouched, as I anticipated ruining a few blades while learning how to hone and wanted to preserve one of my Wapi's for later. FYI: I only have a Norton 4k/8k and this seems to suffice for now; however, I do anticipate adding a coticule or pasted strop to my arsenal of equipment later on.

Initially, I did not have a proper strop and so I used an old leather belt. This worked to a point, but after receiving my Tony Miller #4 Starter Strop, I will never be without it again. I absolutely love this simple and unpretentious utilitarian item. It is made for a purpose and serves it well.

For the past month, I have been BBS every time I shave with one of my str8's. My only concerns have been a bit of razor burn from time to time, as well as the requisite nicks and cuts a newbie need expect while learning the art of shaving with a str8. These nick and cuts have been all but eliminated, and the razor burn substantially reduced, as I have bettered my techniques for preparing, stretching, and shaving my face.

I plan my shaves for the evening after my 4 month old daughter is settled in bed and my wife has had a chance to relax in front of the TV or computer screen. I do this, so that I do not need to rush my shaves. I have been known to spend 45 minutes doing a light honing and stropping of the blade, preparing my face, and finally shaving. It is somewhat of a ritual that I look forward to and do not want to rush (for many reasons). This is me time... and I'm lovin' it.

- Ken -