My Wapi arrived today - thanks Wojtec!

I took my Arkansas stone, honed it for a while and switched to the pasted paddle strop and did 20-30 laps. Then, wehnt on to the linen side of my hairloom hanging strop and did 30 laps, and finished with 60 laps on the leather side.
How I tested. First I tried it on my arm hair and it went OK, so I got one of my chest hairs and rolled it over the blade and it popped pretty easily. As I shaved yesterday, I still don't have much of a long beard to try it, but I couldn't resist! I passed the blade below my chin and -how- it shaved what my old Dovo didn't shaved yesterday.

It got me wondering... This was too easy to be true. Are the Wapi's pre-honed? I must admit I haven't tried it before honing it.

Well, now I'm off to finding some new scales to the Wapi - that metal handle sure is heavy!