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  1. #1
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    Default Watch the blade!

    If the razor is in your hands, watch the blade. Period.

    This seems like a real no brainer. But, when we become familiar with things we tend to not pay as much attention as we should.

    Eventually, we all get bit. Maybe you ding the razor on the faucet. OR maybe you go to put the razor down while admiring the quality shave you just finished... only to slice your finger nearly to the bone. A momentary lapse in focus resulted in a cut that probably needed a trip to the emergency room and about 5 stitches to close.

    Don't allow yourselves to get complacent and comfortable with your routine. If the razor is in your hand, watch the blade.

  2. #2
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Amen brother! Fortunately thus far my "dings" have been removable via honing but if I'm not careful there will come a day . . . .

    Glen F

  3. #3
    Junior Member dokpm0's Avatar
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    And, if you set the razor down to admire your face, relather, etc., watch the blade. Heck, if you put the razor away watch the blade the next time you go to retrieve it for use even if it's closed. Wherever the razor is watch the blade, even if it's closed.


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