Ok, the "3rd Shave" (and subsequent) thread will go to the "shaving" forum, but for this one, I gotta stay here.

Tonight was my 2nd Shave. I did not have the time - or real privacy (that's for another time) as with the first.
Differences to note:
I used a cream instead of a soap.
I did not shower first, but I washed my face with the same soap as I did the first time, and did a couple passes with a hot towel.
Same razor as a couple days ago, but I actually touched the 8000 Norton with it, so I could have messed up the edge. I wasn't anything close to heavy handed, or aggressive, or anything like that, but... yeah.
I used the strop slightly less - I'd say half as many strokes on the linen, and 2/3 as many on the leather vs. last shave.
I did a single (well, with some touch ups) pass as described in another thread - ATG on the cheeks with X/WTG on the neck - basically the same pattern as I used to use with the cartridge.
Finally, I was a little more aggressive with blade to face pressure.

The shave is a bit closer, which is nice. However, the razor burn is also evident on both cheeks. Next shave, I think I'll try a 2 pass on the cheeks, and do the same single pass as above on the neck.

Lessons learned:
I like the soap better than this particular cream. The cream lathered up quicker, and fuller, but wasn't as smooth as the soap that I've been using (just some generic wal-mart soap).
The extra pressure - blade to face - actually helped, and I don't think it contributed to the razor burn as much as doing the ATG pass first did. The extra pressure also helped me with my confidence in my technique.
I'm still fading on the angle, and have to pay extra attention to keeping it where it should be.
I think I need to strop using a few more laps and do so more carefully.
I like the shower first, and feel like not having it may have contributed to the razor burn as well.
My technique on the strop needs some work.
I'm going to "need" a pasted strop until I can get my honing skills up (the Tony Miller 4-sided paddle is looking REALLY nice about now).
I hadn't used it very often before, but I think I'm going to want to start using some type of aftershave balm after each shave for a bit during my learning curve.
The cheeks are MUCH smoother using the ATG stroke. Hopefully a WTG first will take the burn off of the ATG.
I want a better brush!

Now I can't wait until the next shave so I can try out what I've learned!!!