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  1. #1
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Exclamation FAQ: Why do certain razors require more honing than others?

    Why certain razors require more or less honing than others

    The material that your razor is made from will determine how much hand honing is required and how long your edge will remain sharp. Stainless steel for instance takes more work to achieve the same sharpness as carbon steel, but will also stay sharper longer. Also it has been mentioned that if a razor has more of a wedge shape (less hollowing) it will generally require more honing to achieve the same sharpness as a razor that has been partially or fully hollowed. This is due to the amount of metal that must be removed to achieve that perfect edge.


    This thread is incomplete. If you feel any information here is incorrect or incomplete then please post what you feel is wrong or missing. If you agree with what is written here, you can write that too ^^

    Please try though to keep replies focused on these tasks. A thread to discuss these FAQ threads in any other way is available here.

    Many thanks.

    Last edited by sidneykidney; 01-25-2008 at 11:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    Also dull is a very relative term in that there are many different levels of dullness just as there are many different levels of sharpness. If a razor has no edge then it will take a LOT of work just to set a bevel and get the razor to a level of knife sharpness. Many razors will also have chips in the edge and/or corroded steel which could take a lot of work to work through before you even reach the good steel that will take a quality edge.

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Another factor is that some razors are "hardened" more than others. This process is called "heat treating" and involves putting the razor into a forge or molten lead ( which is used at Dovo and TI), raising the temperature of the steel to a certain high temp, generally more than 1400 F, then rapidly cooling the steel in a "quenching fluid", typically a high speed oil. Following that the blade is then put into a tempering oven at over 400 F for an hour or more. This will result in a hardness rating measured on the Rockwell C scale. The temperature's are determined by the type of steel used with each type of steel having its own "as quenched" hardness. The tempering then further "soften's" the steel. Each manufacturer will decide the level of "hardness" that they want.

    Oh, and it is just speculation on my part but I think that some razors inadvertantly miss the tempering step which leaves them really hard!

    Clear as mud?
    Last edited by randydance062449; 01-26-2008 at 03:27 AM.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Are these last two posts discussion or are they suggestions of text to put in? I am confused.

    Also, they both seem very elaborate and I didnt quite understand them. Maybe they could be simplified some?

    Or perhaps I need to read them again later when i've woken up properly.

  5. #5
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I think both are a suggestion of text to be added to the FAQ.

    Perhaps I can simplify/rewrite mine in a day or two. I am short of time today.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  6. #6
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    OK i'll watch for your post and save the edit for when it comes.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Howard's Avatar
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    Default Hardness: Factors Affecting Razor Honing

    The ability to take an edge and keep it is the result of the type of alloy used, and the hardening and tempering. Simple steels with few alloying elements rely solely on the formation of iron carbides for their hardness. Steels with more alloying elements such as vanadium, cobalt, manganese, chromium, tungsten, etc. require a more complicated hardening process at different heats for different amounts of time because the carbon forming the vanadium carbides, cobalt carbides, tungsten carbides, etc. form at different temperatures.

    Hardening temperatures are usually in excess of 1000 deg. F and are often in the 1200 - 1400 degree range. The temperature has to be closely and accurately monitored so that the steel can be quenched to low temperatures ranging from room temperature to maybe 150 deg. F very quickly. This is what gets the bladesmith the optimal performance from any alloy. The phase change in the steel (at quenching) has to happen very quickly and often within seconds or it won't work right. This is one explanation for a blade failing to perform.

    Quenching liquids include water, various oils, air, or salt brine. A2 tool steel, for instance, is air-hardening and tends to warp less on cooling. 01 is an oil hardening tool steel. 1095 tool steel is best quenched in a salt brine.

    Tempering temperatures range from 430 - 600 deg F and tempering is actually a softening process which also makes the metal tougher. Hardened steel that is not tempered is very brittle and not tough at all. Tempering should follow hardening fairly soon or the steel could ultimately end up not performing as expected. Tempering can be done in a toaster oven, a low temperature kiln, or in a forge - be it gas or coal.

    Tempering can be done in a lead bath, as someone noted, as the temperature of molten lead is 600 deg. F. Hardening has to be done at much higher temperatures in an electric kiln, gas or coal forge, or even using a cherry tip on an oxy-acetylene torch rig (I've done this).

    The end result of all this is an edge that can take an edge and keep sharp due to a variety of factors that interplay and include number of carbides present, size of carbides, grain size, zone of hardened steel along the edge, etc. It's all quite complicated and people devote lifetimes to mastering the art of heat treating. At least one prominent heat treater in the knife industry says that you can do everything right and still not get the results you expect! It's an art as well as a science.

    So why do some blades fail to perform?

    Alloy, heat treating, grinding (get a thin blade too hot while grinding and it will lose the heat treat), and type of grind. There are steels that don't do as well in a hollow grind as they do in a more angular, beveled grind.

    That's it in a nutshell! There's a whole lot more to it if you're inclined to engage the topic.
    Last edited by Howard; 01-27-2008 at 04:50 PM. Reason: misspelling

  8. #8
    "My words are of iron..."
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    I should leave this alone. But errors are errors. Please allow me to supplement some of this. Randy made a fine start...

    Quote Originally Posted by Howard View Post
    ...Hardening temperatures are usually in excess of 1000 deg. F and are often in the 1200 - 1400 degree range. The temperature has to be closely and accurately monitored so that the steel can be quenched to low temperatures ranging from room temperature to maybe 150 deg. F very quickly. This is what gets the bladesmith the optimal performance from any alloy. The phase change in the steel (at quenching) has to happen very quickly and often within seconds or it won't work right. This is one explanation for a blade failing to perform.
    Then leave out 1000 deg F, it's redundant information. Most steels A1c is much higher than that and more likely to be greater than 1450 deg F up to 1900 deg F anyway. That's not to say I (and several others I know) couldn't harden a steel below those temperature, but the equipment investment and patience is beyond most knifemakers or smiths. I agree that some steels require a faster quench than others.

    Quenching liquids include water, various oils, air, or salt brine. A2 tool steel, for instance, is air-hardening and tends to warp less on cooling. 01 is an oil hardening tool steel. 1095 tool steel is best quenched in a salt brine.
    How much A2 have you worked with? Depending on the grain structure from the steel mill, it can be a miserable warping material. 1095 will tolerate water "sometimes" but brine will crack it to hell everytime. 1095 will get acceptably hard in oil, even poor old veggie oil, everytime. Guys and gals, there are no absolutes in this business.

    Tempering temperatures range from 430 - 600 deg F and tempering is actually a softening process which also makes the metal tougher. Hardened steel that is not tempered is very brittle and not tough at all. Tempering should follow hardening fairly soon or the steel could ultimately end up not performing as expected.
    The steel don't care when it's tempered. But a good tool will get tempered. Rather than explain tempering as a softening process (although the relative Rockwell hardness will be less), think of it as relaxing the tension between the crystals of iron/carbon. More of a de-stressing the material. The range quoted could be expanded and depends completely on the type of steel. 10xx, plain carbon-iron steels, can be tempered as low as 350 deg F. Stainless steels may require up to 1000 deg F depending. The key word is "depending." Each steel has it's particular recipe for success. Some methods of austenitizing (the name for bring the steel up beyond its critical temperature where all the steel forms martensite) will not succeed with some steels, likewise some methods of tempering will not succeed with some steels.

    Tempering can be done in a lead bath, as someone noted, as the temperature of molten lead is 600 deg. F. Hardening has to be done at much higher temperatures in an electric kiln, gas or coal forge, or even using a cherry tip on an oxy-acetylene torch rig (I've done this).
    Randy correctly pointed out molten salts will work too and are much safer than lead. Molten salts will work for austenitizing and tempering. Tempering can be done in oil too. Peanut oil works really well.

    The end result of all this is an edge that can take an edge and keep sharp due to a variety of factors that interplay and include number of carbides present, size of carbides, grain size, zone of hardened steel along the edge, etc. It's all quite complicated and people devote lifetimes to mastering the art of heat treating. At least one prominent heat treater in the knife industry says that you can do everything right and still not get the results you expect! It's an art as well as a science.
    I'd agree with all this. And, I know the fellow in the quote well enough.

    So why do some blades fail to perform?
    As noted previously, there are so many variables that have to be controlled. Sometimes a blade performs exceedingly well and you don't know why. Sometimes you do everything exactly right and the blade sucks. Sometimes it's operator error. The maker could start with a piece of steel that was not the type he thought it was. But, you left out abuse, improper use, intent, foolishness, attempting to get a blade to perform outside its envelope. Etc.

    ...and type of grind. There are steels that don't do as well in a hollow grind as they do in a more angular, beveled grind.
    Which steels are those? I'd interject that those steels were badly heat treated, or badly used. Subject to variable control that Randy began to explain well, and your other illuminations, the type of grind should not make much difference unless the blade is being expected to perform outside the limitations of the particular grind. I.e. using a straight razors to chop kindling for instance.

    That's it in a nutshell! There's a whole lot more to it if you're inclined to engage the topic.
    That's a wholly true statement.

  9. #9
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Suggestions for discussion only:

    The honing medium will also determine how much honing is required, I believe. Or are we making the assumption that a Norton waterstone is being used?

    Also, I'd question whether, for a newbie FAQ, there's a need to get into the gory matallurgic details. If people are interested in alloys, temperatures, etc. they can start a new thread somewhere to get the technical details.

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

  10. #10
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Suggestions for discussion only:

    The honing medium will also determine how much honing is required, I believe. Or are we making the assumption that a Norton waterstone is being used?
    I dont think assumptions should be made at any point in these FAQs

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Also, I'd question whether, for a newbie FAQ, there's a need to get into the gory matallurgic details. If people are interested in alloys, temperatures, etc. they can start a new thread somewhere to get the technical details.
    I cant second this idea enough.

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