My shave-ready str8 arrived a week ago yesterday and I've shaved with it almost every day since. I still sometimes do the 1st WTG pass w/ a DE (the jawline in particular is still hard to get right), but I also try without.

Some spots (cheeks, sideburns) are just about BBS after an XTG pass--actually closer than with the DE! Others are not... I think investing in a TM strop is in order soon as my current strop is very crappy (I have to constantly straighten it to avoid cupping.) That might improve overall comfort. I still can get some burn if I'm careless with the pressure, but I'm getting better at it.

Was consistently getting some (or a lot of) pulling in the tougher areas until I remembered to always lead with the point/heel--since then things have improved markedly, but I still get a bit in the jawline area even going WTG (I have a very tough beard.) Any pre-shave suggestions? (I do always shower right before and I always have lather on while stropping.)

One thing's for sure though--I'm sold on str8s! No matter how careless/green I was last week, I never even got a single ingrown! (Even with a DE, I could sometimes get them.) And I haven't stabbed myself once, even though I'm learning on a spike point!! Whew, that was a long-winded post!