I just want to say hello to everyone here and compliment on a very nice forum.

I am 29 yrs old from Norway and have decided to make the transition to straight razor shaving.
It has facinated me for years, but i have never gotten around to it.
I will also add that i have some troubles with razorburns both from disposable cartridges and from the electric shavers.
Theese are my main reason for giving straights a shot.

I eagerly await my gear as it was ordered yesterday, and will apparently be in my possession sometime tomorrow.

The stuff i've bought is:
Dovo 106 5851N Violet Wodd Extra Hollow Grind
Dovo Rindlender Strop
Vulfix 223 Super Badger
Alum block
Miklagard shaving soap

I will go out to look for a hone today, and i imagine i will have to find out how to hone first. Before i can start shaving with it.

Any advice is very welcome, and i will try not to lop my head off
